Saturday, January 22, 2011

Seeds, Watering and Increase

It is kind of weird to think, but Tami and I have now been missionaries for the last six years.  Though I have learned much through mistakes and victories, there is so much we still need to learn.  And we thank all of you from a very deep place in our hearts for all of your support whether through prayer, encouraging us in our calling to financially sowing into God's vision over our lives.  We truly appreciate it all.  

I wanted to share something God taught me this past Tuesday night during our community outreach - every week we go out as a Discipleship Training School into the community of Kona and share the love of Jesus with people through prayer or whatever the Lord leads us to do.  So this past Tuesday, my friend Jasen and I were walking in one of the darkest places in town when we walked by some other people from our school.  They were worshipping the Lord and we stood there and watched as this young man walked over, attracted by the worship, and sat down on the ocean wall.  Jasen and I walked over and began to talk with him.  We had small talk for a few minutes and then Jasen explained that we are Christians, love Jesus and asked if we could pray for him.  He was like, "Sure, I can sense you guys have a great energy!" So we knew he was into weird spiritual stuff.  Jason began to pray and the Lord revealed to him stuff about this young man's life and, surprised, he confirmed it was all true.  Right then, my head started to hurt, almost like my brain was being squished and I knew God was showing me something about the young man. I asked him if he ever experiences stuff like that and he said, "Actually, I am right now."  So with his permission, I prayed for him and he instantly felt better.  Thank you Jesus!! Jasen began to share the gospel with him and for a split second, we could sense that his heart was receiving it.  Then all of a sudden, he closed up and said he didn't know if he was ready because he believes everyone and everything is God (his mind and logical reasoning began to override his heart).  I could have walked away disappointed, but the Lord taught and encouraged me with this:

"After all, who is Apollos? Who is Paul? We are only God’s servants through whom you believed the Good News. Each of us did the work the Lord gave us. I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.  It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow." 1 Corinthians 3:5-7 NLT

God gave us the incredible opportunity in that moment in time to talk with that young man, to plant seeds into his heart because I believe that deep inside of him, he is searching for the real truth. And I totally believe that within the next few months, he will meet people who will water those seeds! I may never know what happens to that young man, but I'm believing and praying we'll meet up with him in Heaven with the others who poured into his life to hear about the rest of his journey to Jesus...and the adventures he had after that!


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