Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pray without Ceasing

"be joyful always. PRAY CONTINUALLY. give thanks in everything."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I just love God...I'd say the day I really became a Christian and follower of God was when I felt His love for me for the first time. I was in my mid-twenties at this point. A little late for me but I didn't care. I was smitten by how much He was smitten by me and there I went, on a journey of love with Him that hasn't shown any signs of letting up. Our marriage has only gotten more and more glorious. What a guy, haha...

So what does that have to do with the above verse? Last night as I laid my head on my pillow to go to sleep, I had a final chat with my Beloved and He said, "Tami, this. This right here is praying without ceasing." What I asked? He reminded me of this verse in 1 Thessalonians where it talks about praying continually. 

I always had old church ladies pointing down at me, asking me if I was praying continuously like I was supposed to. And I, in fear, nodded my head to appease them. But of course I thought it was a joke. I thought the whole God thing was a joke. I pictured a monk on the top of a mountain in silence, praying without ceasing. I pictured a group of old church ladies belting out their prayers one after another. I pictured my own grandma who never seemed to stop praying for this person or that person. Nope, wasn't quite ready as a teenager for this kind of praying without ceasing.

But now, two decades later and actually in love with God, He's shown me what it really means to not let up in prayer - INTIMACY.  At the heart of prayer is His desire for intimacy with His children. Dialogue with Him, not just a monologue where it's just me talking, but it's constant communication with Him. It could be petitions (which is the above stuff where we're praying ourselves or others), it could be adoring Him with worship while I fold my laundry or it could be me asking Him to forgive me for the way I just treated Seth. Whatever it may be, it's just communicating with Him as I go throughout my day.  And what that does is it keeps my heart connected to Him, He ends up taking first place in my heart and mind - not my bills, problems or worries. 

I'm sure as heck not perfect at this, some days I become so busy that He unfortunately takes 5th place in my heart and I've ceased praying, I've ceased communicating with Him. Sorry honey, too busy today to pay attention to you. And you know what? On those days, I feel it and my husband and children feel it!! I lack the joy, the peace, the rest...I complain, I get discouraged way too easily, I become ungrateful and plain nasty in my heart. Sure I joke around and have fun those days, but at the heart, I've become unsatisfied and worn out. That must be the reason why "pray continually" is sandwiched between being joyful and giving thanks. Because it's our constant connection with God that sustains and holds us in His presence - and it's in His presence where we find joy, peace, contentment and ultimately, fulfillment. 

I mean that brings up so much, cuz as a mom, I can so easily find fulfillment in serving my children or serving others or in just the busyness of life. But I just won't go there, there'd be no end to that one. So God, teach us how to have a relationship with you where we're enjoying you all day long, come and reveal your love to us today so we can enjoy your loving presence all day long!! We need you Holy Spirit, help us know how much we need you to stay connected to our Father and Friend!!


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