Here I am's kinda nice to update our blog more and more even if no one's paying attention, it's a nice way to track where we've been and where we're going.
So I just wanted to share how I'm overcoming a deep, life long struggle - the big bad wolf of anger.
So growing up I knew I had anger issues and frankly, I was proud of it, I'd show it off to my friends, unleash it to my family, it was great. It had become a dear friend of mine that made me feel great...but that left a trail of wounded people behind me. So as my walk with God got serious and I really wanted to become this so called patient, gentle, joy-filled person He had created me to be, he brought me face to face with a demon I'd had my whole life.
Over the course of a few years, I got healing from my broken relationship with my dad (the root of most of the anger), dealt with the generational stuff of my forefathers allowing anger into the family line, and overall, just walking in deeper closeness with God, being filled with Him and slowly but surely, I truly tapped into His joy and peace and patience and kindness and everything else. I had tried to muster those things up in my own strength and of course, it was short-lived.
More years later and now with two children, there's still a residue of anger. And it's breaking my heart cause I can see how seth now has anger and I remember Jon warning me when I lashed out at him in anger once. He said, "tami, you reacting in anger gives him permission to react in anger."
Now some would say what's wrong with anger? How can you not get angry? It's a natural part of human nature. And I'd say yes to all those things, but to live with anger on an on-going basis isn't nice. I can see how it so easily steals peace and joy from my life and it leaves me feeling crappy, then how do people deal with anger? They smoke, drink or have other unhealthy outlets. I understand I'm gonna get angry sometimes but I want my reaction time to get shorter and shorter, I feel like I get too easily angered and it lingers for a while. Jon, Mr. Joy himself, will get angry from time to time, but he's quick to forgive and move on and go back into joy. That's where I wanna be.
So where I'm at right now is the other day, after getting angry with Seth, it's like I looked in the mirror and saw my angry, full of rage self and was disgusted. I don't wanna live like this for the rest of my life and I gotta take responsibility now for it. I can't keep blaming others for my anger which is always what I believed. That other people cause me to get angry, but actually, it's my choice whether to let what they do or say to anger me or not. I have a choice. I have the power to let either peace or anger reign. And I'm done letting anger have the throne.
I took a stand that day, that I would not let anger have its way with me. My new mantra as I go through each day is "I will not let anger or impatience in, but will choose joy and peace." That when temptation to get angry creeps up, kicking my will into gear and declaring that I will not give in. And I don't want it to be some cheesy, fake thing where it's just words and not a true deep heart change. But it starts with taking a stand against it and putting my will into it. That's where the missing piece was. I've been going along, not really wanting to really kick the anger thing, I figured I'll just let God do it when He's ready. But I forgot you need to be willing to change. And as I've prayed about it with God, I feel like He's encouraging me to take this stand and that as I do this, and as I learn to lean on Him for joy and peace, that I will overcome. I can't do it in my own strength, we can only overcome with and through God. And there will definitely be times where I'll make the mistake of letting anger in but I strongly feel like it'll become less and less now that I'm taking a stand against it. So we'll see how it goes. Whether it's quitting smoking or quitting some other habit, it takes time, patience, but most of all, our wills behind it to make a change. I'm sure a professional would say that it takes much more but for me that's what it's gonna take so meh!
- tami