Monday, May 16, 2011

Tidbits of Truth

I took lotsa notes from our school and the following are snippets from these notes that I chose from our speakers that encouraged me, shook me to the core and continue to challenge me. Oh, and if you wanna hear their full message, the teachings from our school are available for FREE in itunes, just look up 'Fire and Fragrance" and the podcasts will pop up. Bon appetite!

"To the degree we are aware of God's extravagant love is the degree to
which we can extravagantly love Him back."

"Rest means truly being able to trust in our Father, where we're
 free from inhibition, fears, insecurities, rejection...true intimacy leads to rest."

"God is equivalent to a 3-grade school girl! Study Zephaniah 3:17 and see how He runs,
dances, shouts, sings and overwhelms us with His love - this is our Father!!"

- Andy Byrd, Week 1 - God's Love

"Where you're meant to be the greatest in life is where the Enemy tries to hit you the hardest."

"We are defined by the voice we listen who's voice are you listening to?"

"Reading the bible without the lens of the Holy Spirit is like watching a
3D movie without the special glasses."

"Worship is giving back to God what He first gave and adoration."

"I never understood why we raised our hands in worship until one day
my son ran to me with his hands raised saying, 'up daddy!'"

"The greatest sin is the suspicion that God is not good."

- Jonathan David Helser, Week 2 - Holy Spirit

"Ministry is meant to be fun because He is fun! Leadership
centred on the presence of God releases His nature, where we drip with the character of God...
when ministry is done in Him, it's effortless!!"

- Melissa Helser, in our staff meeting

"We should be confident in our friendship with God, not confident in our giftings."

"Failing isn't optional, but necessary for growth when your practicing hearing God's voice."

"No amount of anointing can outlive what bad character can destroy."

- Amy Sollars, Week 2 - Holy Spirit

"Don't put your faith in the acts of God,
put your faith in the God that acts."

"When you give up your right for marriage, you are laying down your right to choose
and allowing God to make the best choice for you."

"Everything is gone in an instant at the doorstep of death,
except for being in Christ."

- Loren Cunningham, Week 3

"We don't have much time on this earth! How much are we investing in 
others, how much are we valuing what God's given us
and entrusted to us to make disciples...
not just converts, but true disciples of Jesus?"

"Discipleship is a method of multiplication, not fruitful and multiply!"

Christie Brennt, Women's Group

 "Truth is the description of reality as God has declared it."

"People get so puffed up on being focused on truth, fighting for their doctrines instead of being focused on God Himself!"

Tom Osterhuse, Week 5 - Biblical Worldview

"Reptentance isn't just people turning from sin, but it's going
 towards God's original intentions for you."

"Restoration isn't about making bad people good, it's about God taking
the fallenness of man and exalting them back to Him."

"God didn't give you a hint of Heaven, He put Heaven in you and you in Heaven!"

"God's perfect, but He's not a perfectionist."

"If two of us are identical, one of us is unnecssary, just be you!"

"Sin doesn't change God, it changes you!"

"The church thinks cramming information into people is transformation."

Steve Thompson, Week 6 - Identity & Kingdom Life

"We shouldn't study the bible, the bible and Spirit should be studying us...
we read the bible not to learn but that our world is
radically altered and transformed because of it!"

"Unless you're transformed by the bible yourself, you'll just be passing on information
to other people."

Mark Harringshaw, How To Study the Bible session

"Our own will will mess us up, that's why Holy Spirit has to guide us."

"If Satan reminds you of your past, you remind him of his past!"

Emmanuel Ziga - Week 7, Supernatural Living

"Learning another language is building a relationship
(with those in the culture your working in)."

"If church planting wasn't messy, most of the New Testament
wouldn't have been written!"

"Pray, because when you pray, God gives you strategy on what to do. Or
else you'll be spending a lot of time, energy and resources
on things that aren't even from God!"

"Human beings are experts at building traditions around the Word and then fighting
for their traditions."

"Take a risk and meet people who are hard and unkind, have mercy
on them to know they don't have the power of the Holy Spirit to be kind like us."

Erik Fish & Dr. Pam - Week 8, Church Planting

 "We're meant to live out of fascination, not obligation."

Sean Feucht, Week 9 - Intercession

"The enemy has done all he can to make prayer and intercession the most
boring part of Christianity, producing lethargy and complacency...
and he succeeded!"

"What if we actually believed that when we hear the Father's heart
for others and pray it out, that Heaven moves and Hell shakes!?!"

"God is looking for a people who, in the midst of fog, will believe His word no matter what."

"Truth is for us to discover, not to try and change to our preferences!"

"The bible isn't a piece of art to be subjective to our perspective, it's a pillar
to our lives meant to be interpreted by Holy Spirit!"

Andy Byrd, Week 9 - Intercession

"Life is discovering how good God is!"

"Be free from needing to be used by God and be abandoned to our lover Jesus!"

"We're not people who struggle with sin and love God, but we're lovers
of God who sometimes struggle with sin."

"In times of injustice, can we look away and look to God to
understand His heart for the situation?"

Dan Bauman, Final Week

"You are the gospel! If you don't carry the good news, you don't
have the good news to share!"

"The next age belongs to innovators, not imitators!"

"Be deeply practical and deeply prayerful."

"Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not. He's waiting for
our engagement and our mobilization!"

"Without prayer, we're just marketing Jesus."

"Too many people think prayer is God saying amen to our desires,
but it's us saying amen to His desires!"

"Be honest with your frustrations to unanswered prayers. 50% of David's
psalms were laments."

"There's people who don't see breakthrough cause they stop
one prayer too soon!"

"Prayer isn't about techniques or formulas, it's about Him!"

Pete Greig of 24/7 Prayer, Final Week 

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