Sunday, May 9, 2010

Worship Breaks Open the Heavens

Sorry for the delay, but thanks for caring enough to catch up on what's going on with us here in Haiti. Last week was incredible, a Burn 24/7 crew came in for a week and brought some fresh fire into our team and on this base.

Lemme e'splain what Burn 24/7 is, they're basically all about starting up houses of prayer around the world that are centred around releasing the Kingdom of God through worship and intercession all day and all night (Matthew 18:7). Here's how powerful worship is...a friend of ours here on the base had a chronic fever and Jasen, a Fire & Fragrance staff member who's been in Haiti for 2 months now, just grabbed his guitar and worshipped outside the guy's room for an hour and a half. When Jasen went back in to check up on our friend, his fever was gone and he felt 100% better!!

So having the "Burn crew" with us was refreshing. A lot of our team has fought through sickness, getting things stolen, it's just been exhausting in every way...and then the heat! My God, the heat!! So last week, we were able to get refreshed, re-energized and re-focused. We held a 24hr worship session for all the tent communities and did 12hrs of worship and prayer in the medical clinic tent community we've been ministering in.  

Various teams rotated through, releasing worship into the atmosphere over that community and praying for the several tent communities across Haiti. Several people from the community heard and started congregating in and around the medical clinic where we were worshipping...a lot of the children even fell asleep from the presence of God's peace. The last 12hrs of worship was finished here on the base and in the end, we all sensed that God's presence swept through the nation in a powerful way. We don't know exactly what God did through this, but the day after, we got a taste of it. We found out YWAM Haiti got a grant to help rebuild the medical clinic tent community we've been in and even enough to get it up and running!! We were freaking ecstatic cause we'd been praying for that exact thing! And as if that wasn't enough, YWAM Haiti's been trying to acquire an abandoned hotel down the street and we found out that someone called Terry, Director of YWAM Haiti, letting them know the hotel was ready to sell!! 

I get goosebumps just thinking about it all...we went straight to the prayer room to just worship God for all He'd done and is still doing. We're waiting and anticipating for the many stories that will come in about how God's transforming this nation through the power of His Spirit. I pray God will give us all burning hearts to see our homes, our communities, our cities and our nations changed through the power of worship and prayer!  



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