Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Honour to the Holy Spirit

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” Apostle Paul’s prayer for us from 2 Corinthians 13:14
I just gotta give a shout out to my buddy the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity. I’ll tell you what the trinity is to me: God the Father is the father I’ve always wanted and always needed but never always had. Jesus is beyond my healer and redeemer, but my lover, husband and friend. And Holy Spirit…He’s the one that makes my relationship with the trinity possible, my peace in a stressful moment, my joy in a broken moment, my friend who walks with me even when I’m not even paying attention to Him.  If God had a bumper sticker on his car, it’d have to say this: to be fearfully followed and yet so sweetly enjoyed.

What we don’t realize sometimes is how the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to follow God! He empowers us, through grace and faith, to get over the potholes of sin and go after and receive the fullness of all God created us to be.  We can even look at the life of Jesus and see how much He needed the Holy Spirit before He could do the amazing things He did, being baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:14) and then reaching the lost. Just before Jesus left this earth, He told His disciples - who He’d walked with and done life with for 3 years - that it was better for them that He left (John 16:6-7)!! Jesus Himself preferred us to have the Holy Spirit be with us here on earth instead of Him!! John 14-16 explains the role of the Holy Spirit and our need for Him beautifully.
So when a prayer is answered, He’s the one that brought it from Heaven to earth. When I pray for someone and they're healed, He gets the glory! When we’re asking God where we left our keys, it’s the Holy Spirit that whispers “under there!” When we need wisdom to know how to get through a situation, hello Holy Spirit! When we inhale, it’s His breath that gives us life. He’s that important. (song: “this is the air I breath…your Holy presence…living in me….)

I’m filled with a loving hunger for people to let Him in just a little more and see how much their lives would change! I want to provoke us, even myself, to ask the hard questions. Why is the Holy Spirit so often neglected? Is it because we never know what will happen when He shows up in a crazy worship set? Is it even necessary to understand the Holy Spirit in our walk with God? A book called Forgotten God by Francis Chan (author of Crazy Love) answers these questions. So do the gospels and the whole New Testament. A Christian lyricist, Shai Linne, gives “much respect” to the Holy Spirit in one of his songs, Triune Praise
So, help us Holy Spirit, help us to know how much we need you. Help us to know the incredible force you are in our lives so we can be an incredible force in the lives of others, being filled with more of you – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. Thanks for being you and not who people want you to be.

- tami

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