here's an email we sent out in case you missed it and are interested in knowing what's gwanin' with our move to PA!
prayer for your 2014
Before getting into 2014 stuff, we would love to hear any cool stories of what God's done in your life in 2013!! We had our second child, Amayah, so that's probably the most exciting thing for us this year! Something I felt led to pray for (not just for us but for the body of Christ) is that there be no more delay in the fulfillment of His promises. There are some promises of God's for each of us that seem to be delayed. Sometimes it's God's plan (like when God gave the Israelites a longer route to the Promise Land to teach, train and prepare them - Ex.13:17) but sometimes it's not God's plan and His promises are delayed because of human error or spiritual opposition from the enemy. So we pray that the promises God has for you in this coming year would be fulfilled according to His will without delay or hindrances. And that if He does want you to wait, that He would show you and give you the grace and strategy in the time of waiting! But thank you in advance God for fulfilling any delayed promises!!
"I want to move to Pennsylvania NOW!!"
Our frustrated little Sethy said this when he was told he couldn't play with his Christmas present of train tracks until we moved into our new house in Pennsylvania and he was running low on patience. He shouted out what has been an ongoing frustration of ours for a year now since God told us last January that He's calling us there to help the YWAM base in Harrisburg, PA establish work in the inner-city in which they're based (they're focus is revival in IvyLeague universities - see
So speaking of delayed promises!! Turns out while we were focused on getting there, God was busy caring about our heart journey along the way. More on this journey can be found in the post below, but one of the things we were really set free from was looking to a physical home for worth, security or comfort. In moving from place to place for half the year, we were forced to learn look to Him for those things and the freedom this brought was amazing. He showed us how even Jesus Himself didn't know where He would live day to day and how being in the Father's will was enough for Him. He was content in the Father. Too much to comprehend, I me, we know! Oh and if you wanna check out more about the awesome YWAM base we're gonna join, check:
February 21st - indefinitely!!
So off we go, February 21st till whenever God says so! Our calling in Harrisburg is beyond the inner-city and we're excited to share more about that in the coming months.
Prayer, Protection, Provision
Lastly...and we really appreciate it if you've made it this far in the email...we would be so grateful if you could be praying for us for this move. It's bigger than we can handle on our own and the prayers of many have proven to be like a safety net for us. Prayers have more than once protected us from crazy stuff like accidents. I think we can all attest to that, so if you think of us in these next couple of months, give us a shoutout to God!! And of course a move like this is gonna cost some crazy moula so if you feel led to help in that way, let us know or if you feel web savvy enough, check this website that takes care of that for us: donations.html
our children
lastly, we love watching our children grow ... and quicker than we can keep up with. Amayah has grown like a weed, the legal kind! She's got two cute bottom teeth and is learning how to crawl, she just adores her big brother and her eyes follow him more than anyone. Sethy is onto his ABC's and 123's, loves to play rough like a typical boy and is learning how to talk more and more each day. One of the things we love seeing grow in Seth is his gift of encouragement. He loves to flash a smile to strangers just to bring joy to them!
BAM! That's it!! Whew, that was a long-winded update but at least you won't hear from us for another few months! haha, anyway we would also love to hear from you on how your new year is going and what specific things we can be praying with you about.
Appreciate you more than you know!!!!
tami + the tribe