So since finding out we were pregnant, I never realized what was going on inside of me until our recent ultrasound. The last time I had seen our lil' bambino, they were just a blob. But recently seeing how much our child has grown, looking more like a human was was more surreal knowing I had nothing to do with its growth or development. That God had been busy working away, knitting our child together (Psalms 139:13, 15-16) and all I had to do was sit back and watch His workmanship on a screen!
So from the ultrasound, I came home and watched a video called, "How Great Is Our God," by Louie Giglio, which I'm sure you can catch on YouTube, or at least parts of it!
"You're body's busy making a baby!," people would say to me, or "what your body is going through right now is the equivalent to you climbing Mount Everest!" And there are definitely times where I get so tired that I feel this actually happening...but I never really knew the little miracles happening inside of me until I watched this video.
In it, Louie takes an in-depth look at how God created each of us and the little miracles it takes for us to be formed. Taken from the video, he explains that one cell from your mom and one cell from your dad both found each other (carrying DNA from both parents) and formed one cell. And so began your own DNA strand, adding up to a roughly 3 billion character description of who you are!!! Scientists say if you took your DNA and stretched it out, it would be 6 feet long and that if you were to read your own DNA, reading one character per second every day - night and day- that it would take 96 years just to read the description of yourself!! And by the way, your the only one of your kind.
Onto another miracle, at about the 7th week of your prenatal development, a million optic nerve endings left the optic nerve centre of your brain and headed for a million optic nerve endings of your eye. They had to meet and match their EXACT partner; one million looking for one million!! And when they found each other, they matched up together and in that very instant, you had sight.
Then in about the 27th week of your prenatal development, "miraculously and mysteriously" as Louie describes it, a little cutting device appears and cuts perfectly your piece of skin to create your eyelids.
It gets the bible, in Colossians 1:16b-17, Apostle Paul says, "All things were created by God and for God. He is before all things, and IN HIM ALL THINGS HOLD TOGETHER." So that's what the bible says...but in case we don't take the bible seriously, let's look through the lenses of a microscope at our own bodies....specifically, at laminin.
Laminin is a protein adhesion molecule, which in simple terms, is like the steel that holds buildings together. Funny enough, Wikipedia describes laminin as, "an integral part of the structural scaffolding in almost every tissue of an organism...laminin is vital for the maintenance and survival of tissues." It's basically the glue that HOLDS US TOGETHER.
What blew me away though, was seeing what laminin looked like....jaw dropping...
I picture the Father, Son and Holy Spirit collaborating, "just in case they need to know who really created them, let's design the cell that holds them together to look like the cross!! Maybe that'll convince them that their life is really in and through Jesus Christ!" I don't know what better evidence to assure myself, and this world, that God is real and is seriously our Creator.
It was then that I realized that above the beauty of this vast earth, God's greatest achievement is what He delights in the most - His! To think that you were once a thought of His, then at the precise moment in history, He spoke and you came to be. "He spoke, and it came to be: He commanded and it stood firm" (Psalms 33).
I don't know who I'm writing this for; maybe for myself, to know how uniquely special I truly am, that when God says I'm special and beautiful in His sight that I can finally believe that it's true. Maybe I'm writing this for our child, who will hopefully grow up and read this, along with the journal entries of dreams God's given me about them...just to know they're not here by mere chance or mistake, left to fumble around to find their purpose in life.
But to know that they are being created in my womb in this specific moment in history, with their own specific and beautifully unique identity, to fulfill the purposes that God created them for. And if someone other than me is still reading this, I pray you'll be rocked in your very core to know the truth of why you were created and that you truly are a miracle. We don't choose God...He clearly chooses us first!! And He chose celebrate the miracle of your life and to find your life in Him.
Love, love, love,