Thursday, March 25, 2010

Prayer 4 Haiti

Dear Faithful Follower,

haha, I sound like Jesus or something! But seriously, thanks for faithfully following our journey here at YWAM and heck, our journey of life cause it's not gonna end at YWAM. So we head to Haiti in 7 days and we're super "stoked" to love on everyone we come in contact with, whether it's the staff (who are at this point, utterly exhausted) or the people of Haiti. We're hoping to help build tents, build relationships with people, hold day camps for kids, establish a prayer room, assist with IT and just anything else that's needed in restoring this nation. In all we do, we just want God's heart for everyone, we're not going with fancy equipment or anything, all we can offer is love. More than reading news reports or governmental documents, we've been seeking His heart for this nation. Because ultimately, love in all its forms is the greatest need right now - orphans to be held, mothers to be embraced, the lame to be comforted, the list goes on.

So hopefully your still reading this so you can know how to help pray for us, and we're so grateful cause we need you! We're delighted that your able to commit to praying the following as often as you can because the more people praying, the more ammo against the "bad guys"!! Job 22:28 (NKJV) says "decree a thing and it will be established." So every time you pray this, as you declare it, it's moving Heaven and earth...and shaking Hell!! Jon and I have seen incredible miracles happen in our lives because we prayed certain specific things daily, so we pray you'll know the power of speaking this out!!

PRINT THIS & STICK IT SOMEWHERE IN CLEAR VIEW SO YOU CAN PRAY IT AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN (it takes roughly 2 mins to pray this..and you can add to it if you'd like!):
"God, thank you for restoring the nation of Haiti, not just its building structures, but hearts and lives! We bless every sphere of society to be brought into alignment with your truths, values and principals, bringing forth abundant life and fruitfulness (Is. 61). We bless every person in Haiti to know there's a God who loves them no matter what they've done and wants to turn this tragedy into a trophy of His grace and love.

I bless the Haiti team to be in perfect unity with you first, then with each other so that your love and power may flow through them unhindered. Protect their unity Lord! I bless them with favor, that wherever they go and whatever they do, they’ll be blessed and be victorious. And I bless them to walk in the truth of Colossians 3:12 to 17. I bless them to go filled with the spirit of wisdom, revelation and discernment, that they’d be your eyes, ears, hands and feet to those they serve. I pray they’d serve out of a place of resting in your love, that they would have wisdom to know what they’re called to do and stay within those healthy boundaries.

Finally, I pray you’ll guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, that they’d go forth standing firm in truth and love. I pray Ephesians 6:10 to 19 over them. Heavenly Father, I pray you’ll protect their body, soul and spirit from anything that’s not of you, I specifically come against sickness, harm, disease, accident and death. And I bless them to make the most of every opportunity, having fun bringing God’s kingdom to the beautiful nation of Haiti. May your kingdom come, your will be done in their lives and in Haiti...and I pray all of this in Jesus' name, amen!! Let it be done!!"

Love you and thank you so much,

tami & jon and the Fire & Fragrance Haiti Team

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nothing is Impossible with God

Hey Everyone,
            We love you all so much and are so thankful for all the ways you support us.  I just wanted to write and share some things that get me so excited that we serve and love a God that can turn impossible things or situations into something that is incredibly possibly.  "For with God nothing will be impossible."  Luke 1:37.  Tami and I are getting really excited about our outreach coming up to Haiti.  We leave April 1st and we are mostly ready to go we just need to pack.  We know that this will probably be one of the most stretching things in our lives to this point but we have an assurance in our Father that He will be with us every step of the way. 

This week, a couple leaders from this base (YWAM Kona) just returned from helping in Haiti.  While there, they met this little girl completely paralyzed from the earthquake.  They were able to get her an appointment at the best healthcare institute in Haiti so they could get an x-ray to see what was going on.  Her family was so excited that she was going to be seeing a doctor that they all traveled on the bus to see it.  So the YWAM leaders and the girl and her family all headed 2hrs away to get to this place.  But when they got there, there was some sort of mixup and was told they'd have to pay lots of money to get it done.  "Sorry but we can't do anything to help," is what they said to the guys.  It was a completely impossible situation. They couldn't even bear to tell the family and told the doctor to deliver the sad news to the family. Once the doctor left, one of the YWAM leaders felt faith rise up in his heart and said, "This is an impossible situation, but lets just pray and ask God to intervene."  They began to pray for this little girl and as they prayed, feeling came back in her legs and someone felt something like a bone pop in her leg and the little girl got up and began taking a few steps...soon, she was able to fully walk!!  She hadn't walked since the earthquake. 

This is the God we love serving, He wants to turn this horrible situation in Haiti into an opportunity where He can shine His love. And this is the kindness of God that amazes me, that when we have things standing in our way that seem totally impossible that he makes it possible.  I hope everyone is doing well and that this story comes as an incredible encouragement to you with things you might be facing right now, we're praying He reveals His mighty power and love to you through them and that your encouraged to believe He can do anything...past what you can see in front of you. 

And we pray this over ourselves and you, "...that (in the midst of trials your facing), you would be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you could live a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, being fruitful in everything you do and growing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, so you could have great endurance and patience, joyfully giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to be share in the inheritance of the saints in His kingdom." Colossians 1:9-12...speaking of knowing His will and desires, it's powerful when we know what He wants to do as we're praying for a miracle...see 1 John 5:14-15.



Saturday, March 13, 2010

Prayer = Change

lHey Everyone,

This week Tami is taking a vacation from journaling everyone and I thought I would give blogging a try. God is amazing. Everyday we are more excited by what God is doing in our generation. Even this past 24 hours we had non-stop prayer and worship from Friday night Saturday night. It was amazing to see people passionately running after God through different styles of worship, praying for our nations, praying for our outreach locations, praying for one another and just plain enjoying
Now there were certain times we needed to be in the prayer room because each outreach team covered an hour, but many spent hours crying out to God. One guy stayed in the room for the whole 24 hours. But it isn’t just about the prayer, it is about having relationship with Jesus. It amazes me so much that the one far above all rule, power, authority and dominion (Eph. 1:20-21) wants to have deep friendship with us. It amazes me that this God who laid the foundations of the earth intimately knows us. He has numbered the hair on our heads. He is not one who is far off but one who is longing to show is goodness. Many of the students, after having a day of prayer, noticed the difference in each other’s faces and stature. Just as a quick story cause I love amazing stories. There was a man in the early 19th century in New York city who sought God on how to reach people. The Lord told him to send out invitations to people and tell them he is having a praying meeting once a week over lunch for an hour. In this time in the United States the church was on a downward turn and many were turning away from God. I believe if I remember correctly that someone even declared in the next generation there would be no one following Christ. So he sent out thousands of invites and only 20 people showed. Then the next week 40 and it is said it almost doubled on a weekly basis. Then even started making the lunch bell 5 minutes early and 5 minutes late so that people would have time to get to the nearest church and pray for the lunch hour. That year in the United States of America 1,000,000 people were added to the church, in today's terms, that would be like 6 million people (The Layman's Prayer Revival)! It is absolutely amazing that when we pray, God moves in a way that draws people to himself. Everyday we get to pray together as a school for nations, people, spheres of society and get to hear testimonies of how our prayers are making a difference. Tami’s friend Emma goes to the famous St.Andrews University in Scotland and she led a 24/7 prayer week with her friends in the same week. They put together a really good video that shows what we’re all going after through prayer ( See you next time! Peace,
